Friday, October 11, 2013

Ma'a salama Doha!

I hope this post doesn't get too emotional. I'm writing it as I sit here trying not to think about how ill I am in the Doha airport. Thanks Pip for giving me yet another weird bug - yes I blame you for everything! I have already cried all the way through immigration and I ran into one of my primary school teachers - I'd say I'm about ready for this plane to depart (let's just hope I start to feel better).

I hate goodbyes. I think I made my Dad feel super uncomfortable when I burst into tears while I hugged him. Emily then goes - "we will make this quick" - and hugs me and walks away. Oh but then she came back for a longer hug after she already had started to walk away. Of course this made me cry even more and made the little Indian man in front of me laugh at me even more - yeh that happened. I am so happy Emily was in Doha when I left. I don't know how I would have gotten ready for Thailand without her. She helped me pack and as you can see she did a damn good job!

Saying goodbye is never fun. I always cry. I might not cry to someone's face but trust me I cried like a baby when you left. I leave a lot so you would think I would get used to it by now! I will miss everyone in Doha and I hate to leave my Dad alone again - thank goodness for Skype! Doha will always be home and I know I will always be able for return! As my Mommy always says - "It is not goodbye, it is I'll see you soon!" Now that I'm past immigration and sitting at my gate I can't wait to be in Thailand! I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life, to tackle new challanges, to experience new things, and to travel - cliche I know but it had to be said!


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