So I am on my flight back "home" after being HOME for a month. I don't know were to start. I had not been back in the US for just over 11 months. Lets just say when I went to fill the Jeep up for the first time I was a little nervous that I might have forgotten how to pump gas. So expat of me - I know - but I did it and I even shut off the engine.

Highlights -
1. My family. I miss all of them everyday I am away and sometimes it sucks that I can't just DRIVE home for a weekend. Everyone has grown up and changed a lot in the almost year I have been away. Yes, even you mother! I loved every silly moment with them. I wish a certain older brother could have been there but that is life! I know that Christmas as a complete family doesn't always happen as you get older - I really hope I never have to miss one!
2. Cheesy Christmas photos. These ones should explain everything -
5. A football game with Holly. I mean did we really get sold FAKE tickets to a JAGS game? So glad they are going to the Super Bowl. Holly only you will understand why this was a highlight.
7. Shopping. What I am a girl! Of course I am going to add this to my highlight. My new iPhone is amazing, my new bags are lovely, and shoes - I just love shoes!
8. My family, again. I would not be the person I am today without them so they get a double mention because they are the reason I went home in the first place. Miss you all! Yallah lets plan a holiday!
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